Ideal for daily use, the Invel® Active Shorts Traditional has the patented Bioceramic® MIG3® technology in its fabric, composed of polyamide and elastane. Bermuda Invel®, when in contact with the...

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Sku: M901020105

Invel® Active Shorts Traditional

Ideal for daily use, the Invel® Active Shorts Traditional has the patented Bioceramic® MIG3® technology in its fabric, composed of polyamide and elastane. Bermuda Invel®, when in contact with the human body, absorbs the body's heat, radiating it in the form of long infrared waves, producing a photochemical effect that promotes vasodilation and increased local blood perfusion. It is registered with ANVISA/Ministry of Health.


Product composition Invel® Active Shorts Traditional are made with fabric composed of 90% Polyamide and 10% Elastane and finishing additives. Indication for use Invel® Active Shorts Traditional is indicated to act as an adjuvant in the fight against localized cellulite (gynoid lipodystrophy), grade II and III according to the Curri scale, improving the appearance of the skin. The action of Bioceramics® MIG3® The Invel® Active Shorts Traditional is made with fabric incorporated with Bioceramics® MIG3® Invel® which has thermal and biostimulation properties. It can absorb the body's heat and radiate it in the form of long Infrared waves with a length ranging from 3.0 to 14.8 µm and 0.87 emissivity. Clinical studies carried out by Invel® demonstrated an average improvement of 19% in the clinical aspect of cellulite (gynoid lipodystrophy), in 60 days of using Invel® Active Shorts Traditional. Instructions for use It is recommended to use it for a minimum of 8 hours daily, at home, at work, during physical exercise, and even at rest. Storage conditions Store Invel® Active Shorts Traditional, at room temperature, in a dry, clean place, protected from excessive humidity and the action of chemical agents. Handling Conditions Invel® Active Shorts Traditional should avoid coming into contact with sharp, sharp objects and rough surfaces, at the risk of permanently damaging the product. Warnings Special care must be taken when using Invel® Active Shorts Traditional on raw areas (wounds). These areas must be previously protected. People with a history of hypersensitivity to the product's components should avoid use or contact. This product is resistant to up to 100 washes. Contraindications This product is contraindicated for Pregnant women; breastfeeding women; people with suspected or confirmed infectious and/or inflammatory processes in the area where Invel® Active Shorts Traditional are used; people who have nerve damage or injury in the region where this product is used; who have edema in the hips, legs or feet; people who have a history of diabetes, heart failure, hives, who have thyroid disorders or uncontrolled hypertension; who have frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays, such as sunbathing and artificial tanning or using tanning lotions and sprays. The use of this product is contraindicated for men, as it has not been studied in this population. Adverse Effects Occasional reactions such as itching (mild to moderate), mild stinging, mild local burning, and in rare cases, pain in the calf region may occur with the use of this product. The product should be discontinued if these events and symptoms persist or at medical discretion. Cleaning and Care Invel® Active Shorts Traditional should only be washed with cold water and neutral soap. Do not use bleach or stain removers. It should not be ironed or dry-cleaned. Wash items of other colors separately. For other washing instructions – see the label. Shelf Life: Indefinite (24 months from the beginning of use of the product). Invel® considers the date of the product's sales invoice as the start of use. ANVISA/MS Registration No.: 81322470004 1 - Randomized double-blind studies with 151 women using Bermuda Invel® with MIG3® Technology for 60 days for 8 hours a day, proving an improvement in the appearance of the skin and significant differences in the reduction of cellulite, grades II and III. 2 - Clinical work published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, USA using Bermuda shorts for 8 hours a day for 30 days.

Bermuda Invel® Activive Shorts Traditional - Short



MIG3 Bioceramics increases the production of nitric oxide, improving blood circulation, which helps provide more oxygen and nutrients to tissues, facilitating the removal of inflammatory substances and improving the appearance of your skin.  




The Invel Active Shorts stimulate the production of Nitric Oxide in the human body, improving blood circulation, and helping to remove inflammatory substances that cause cellulite.

Invel is a pioneer in the development of therapeutic clothing that improves microcirculation through the production of the vasodilator, Nitric Oxide. (AT THE). 



The results of this technology are the creation of clothes and accessories that appear ordinary, but are capable of acting as an effective ally in medical treatments, bringing quick results with localized and continuous use. Unlike conventional treatments, which are expensive and time-consuming, you can wear Invel therapeutic clothing for 24 hours, which will cause constant biostimulation that is continuously treats your body         

1. Clinical study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, USA, using Bermuda Invel® for 8 hours daily for 30 days. 2. Randomized, double-blind study of 151 women using Bermuda Invel® with MIG3® technology for 60 days, for 8 hours a day. (Study of nitric oxide) Evaluation of the effect of fabrics incorporated with Bioceramics® MIG3® Invel®, on the generation of NO gas. São Paulo, v.00, 69 p., 2010.

Randomized, double-blind clinical study evaluating the improvement of gynoid lipodystrophy (cellulite) with the use of Bermuda Invel® Activive Shorts.

Regina Mayumi Doi1, Marcos Leal Brioschi2, Cicília Yuko Wada3

1L.AL Clínica Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Ltda; 2InfraRedMed – Infrared Diagnosis; 3 Statpharm Scientific Advisory


Gynoid lipodystrophy (GLD) is a complex of changes in adipose tissue, resulting in macronodules on the skin surface. It is an important factor related to aesthetics and female self-esteem, which searches for effective and safe treatment methods relevant. It affects between 85 and 98% of women after puberty(1) and is characterized by changes in skin topography, causing small depressions in the skin, whose appearance becomes similar to orange peel. The Curri scale, the most used, classifies the degree of lipodystrophy into four evolutionary degrees divided by its intensity of involvement(2)


Primary: – Evaluate the clinical improvement of the areas affected by Gynoid Lipodystrophy (cellulite), through clinical (physical examination) and laboratory parameters (assessment of elasticity).
Secondary: – Evaluate, with the help of Infrared Thermography, the evolution of peripheral microcirculation in the area affected by Gynoid Lipodystrophy. – Evaluate the safety of using the product.


A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single-center national study was carried out, including a sample of 151 volunteers with grade III Gynoid Lipodystrophy (cellulite) in at least one of the areas evaluated, from April to June 2009. Investigational

product: Invel® Active Shorts Traditional.


The Invel® Active Shorts Traditional as well as the placebo Bermuda shorts were used for 60 days, for at least eight consecutive hours. Follow-up assessments were carried out at 30 (first visit) and 60 (second visit) days.

Assessment method:

(a) The Curri scale: Visual classification of lipodystrophy; (b) MPA580 Customer®: Skin elasticity; (c) Infrared thermography in chemistry and in the evaluation of procedures in aesthetic medicine constitutes another method, although it is not a recent phenomenon; (d) Product safety was measured by the proportion of patients who did not experience adverse events, serious or not, related to the use of the product.


Cellulite Degrees:

Significant differences in the proportions of improvements in cellulite grades II and III on the Curri scale between Invel® Active Shorts Traditional and Placebo on the Buttock over 30 days, in the difference tests (p=0.01623) and ratio (p=0.00644). The estimate of the relative risk of improving the degree of cellulite within 30 days in the Buttocks was RR=2.107, which indicates that treatment with Bioceramica® is 111% superior to placebo.


There was a significant effect of time on elasticity in all locations and sides, at a significance level of 5%.

Thermography :

The effects of time were significant in all places studied, that is, the average temperatures at the three times differ significantly, at a significance level of 5%.


No clinically significant events were observed in the studied population.

Greater tissue irrigation, decreased area of ​​lesser irrigation, increased perfusion Homogeneously:


With the use of Invel® Active Shorts Traditional for 8 hours of use daily, for 60 days, the present study demonstrated an average improvement of 19% in the clinical aspect of cellulite (gynoid lipodystrophy) grade II and III according to the scale by Curri. Invel® Active Shorts Traditional with Invel® technology did not cause irritation and/or sensitization in research subjects, which demonstrates that it is a safe product for use under the conditions in which they were tested. ANVISA, the National Health Surveillance Agency, recognized the efficacy and safety of this product and granted ANVISA/MS registration N°80104760003 on 01/31/2011.


1. Avram MM. Cellulite: a review of its physiology and treatment. J Cosmet Laser Ther 2004; 6:181-185. 2. Curri SB. Las paniculopathies of venous striae: clinical and instrumental diagnosis. Barcelona: Hausmann, 1991.p.211.


This research was sponsored by INVEL® (GOEN3 Indústria e Comércio de Artigos para a Saúde Ltda), and the company that carried out the clinical monitoring of the study, hired by the sponsor, was ProSearch Pesquisa Clínica. Research developed by IITP® (Invel Institute of Technology and Research).

Journal of Drugs in Dermatology - New Methods and techniques

A double-blinded, randomized trial testing the tolerability and efficacy of an innovative topical agent with or without occlusion for the treatment of cellulite: a study and literature review.

Rao J, Paabo Ke, Goldman MP. Dermatology/Cosmetic Laser Associates of La Jolla, Inc., La Jolla, California 92037, USA.


In a scientific article published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, New York, researchers prove the effectiveness of the tissue incorporated with Bioceramics. A group made up of 20 volunteers with a moderate degree of cellulite received treatment with tissue occlusion on one of the thighs. In the other, an anti-cellulite cream was applied to the affected areas regularly at night. After a period of four weeks, evaluating dermatologists detected an improvement of up to 65% in thighs treated with Bioceramics.

The result was obtained by comparing photographs taken from various angles before and after the study. Among the volunteers, 17 completed evaluations about the test. For 76%, it was possible to notice an improvement in cellulite, of which 54% reported that the improvement was on the thigh that received the item of clothing. Using the photographs, the evaluators also detected an improvement of 59% in the thighs treated without occlusion.

Publications: Clinical Experiments Randomized Controlled Experiments

¿Qué es Invel?

Establecida en 1992, Invel es una empresa de tecnología médica con un enfoque principal en el desarrollo e investigación de tecnología de infrarrojos lejanos. Una de nuestras mayores contribuciones a la salud humana ha sido el desarrollo de MIG3 Bioceramic. Todos los productos Invel están incrustados con la biocerámica MIG3 patentada que se ha demostrado que estimula la producción de óxido nítrico que

¿Cómo funcionan los productos Invel?

Los productos Invel están integrados con la tecnología patentada MIG3 Bioceramic que captura el calor (infrarrojo lejano) reflejado de nuestro propio cuerpo, convirtiéndolo en una frecuencia de calor que reacciona positivamente a nuestro cuerpo. Este calor (infrarrojo lejano) que se refleja en nuestro cuerpo provoca la estimulación de la producción de óxido nítrico. Se ha demostrado que el óxido nítrico

¿Qué es MIG3 Bioceramic?

MIG3 Bioceramic de Invel es un compuesto de minerales (no limitado a dióxido de titanio, silicio, aluminio…) que reacciona con su cuerpo cuando entra en contacto. Creando ondas de calor (infrarrojo lejano) que vibran en la frecuencia entre 3 a 14,8 µm.  

¿Cuánto tiempo se debe utilizar el producto para obtener los máximos efectos?

Use su bienestar todo el día. Cada persona reacciona de manera diferente para sentir u obtener los efectos del uso de los productos Invel. Depende de tu propio metabolismo. Puede usarlo las 24 horas del día o algunas horas al mes. Los ensayos clínicos realizados en otros países mostraron que 8 horas al día durante 2 semanas parece un período razonable para el uso.

¿Invel tiene que tocar mi piel para un mayor efecto?  

Los productos integrados con tecnología Invel no tienen que tocar la piel directamente para un mayor efecto. Puede cubrirse o colocarse en capas sin perder efectividad. Nuestro cuerpo siempre está enviando calor.

¿Sentiré que Invel funciona?  

Los clientes que usan Invel experimentarán un aumento general en el estado de bienestar. Si bien en realidad no sentirá el aumento temporal de la circulación sanguínea local, su cuerpo sentirá la tecnología Invel. Todo depende de su historial de vida, salud y estilo de vida. Algunas personas sienten una diferencia de temperatura de 2 ° C, otras no sienten una diferencia de 5 ° C. No significa que sea más cálido o más frío. Invel funciona de la misma manera.

¿Aumentará la temperatura de mi piel si reutilizo el calor de mi cuerpo?  

No, el calor de su cuerpo se magnifica como un rayo infrarrojo lejano en el cuerpo. Si la circulación aumenta, el cuerpo puede calentarse o enfriarse, según el entorno externo.

¿La tecnología Invel MIG3 desaparece con el uso?

El proceso patentado que utiliza Invel para incorporar el MIG3® Bioceramic en las fibras no perderá sus características.

¿Cómo lavar el producto?

Delicado Lavar a máquina con agua fría con colores similares; usar jabón neutro
Secar en secadora baja o secar al aire
No use lejía, suavizantes de telas ni toallitas para secadora.
No planchar ni lavar en seco
La biocerámica MIG3 incrustada en el núcleo de las fibras no se lava ni se desgasta.

¿Qué se ha hecho para demostrar que Invel funciona?

Debido a la regulación de salud, las leyes y la protección del consumidor de cada país, Invel, registrado en las agencias reguladoras federales en algunos países, notificó o siguió una política de categoría de salud existente. Significa que, una declaración de país no está validada en otros países, debido al vestuario, la cultura, la población y los derechos del consumidor. Los ensayos clínicos fueron aprobados por un comité de ética independiente (IEC), el consentimiento informado de los sujetos y los productos Invel se fabrican bajo las Buenas Prácticas de Fabricación (GMP).

¿Invel está aprobado por la FDA?

Descargo de responsabilidad de salud

Invel es una tecnología no invasiva y no adictiva. Los productos Invel pueden ser utilizados por personas sanas. Si sospecha que tiene un problema médico o una enfermedad, consulte a su médico o profesional de la salud para recibir asesoramiento, diagnóstico y tratamiento. El mecanismo de acción de la tecnología MIG3 para la producción de óxido nítrico se puede imprimir desde nuestro sitio web para explicarle a su médico cómo funciona el producto Invel.  

Los productos Invel no están destinados a tratar, diagnosticar, mitigar, prevenir ni curar ninguna afección o enfermedad.

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