By Kyle Hamm

For the last 27 years, Invel® has worked with a single technology called bioceramic MIG3 and researched all of the possibilities of MIG3 in Brazil and Japan. Invel® products have been clinically trialed in the Brazilian population with excellent results as shown below.

Invel® North America has officially moved its global headquarters to Lake Nona. Their award-winning patented technology was unveiled on Feb. 18 at the GuideWell Innovation Center, hosting more than 100 professionals from more than five countries. This was their first-ever international symposium in Lake Nona Medical City. Several of the world’s leading doctors and researchers revealed Invel’s revolutionary bio-ceramic technology.


Photo Courtesy of Invel

This technology is already a success in Japan and Brazil, and they are now introducing their technology to the North American market.

Photo Courtesy of Invel


Invel® launched its branded technology in 1999. Five years later, they launched their Invel® Anticellulite Shorts. The following year, in 2005, Invel® Japan Incorporated began. In 2012, Invel® opened its first concept store in Sao Paulo, Brazil. By 2015, their patents were in 29 countries. This year, Invel® launches Invel® China, Invel® Taiwan, and their New Worldwide HQ in Lake Nona – Invel® North America.

From Actiive Shirts to Anti-Insomnia Pillow Tops, their infrared technology spans to far more than you would think. All of their patented technology contains Bioceramic MIG3, which radiates infrared. Their technology also uses +Nitric Oxide, which they call “molecules of life.” They have been awarded by Japanese scientists with Best Product and Technology of the Year by JIRA Awards.

Invel® Compression Belts and Arm Sleeves will ensure protection and support during physical activities. Anti-Cellulite leggings and shorts reduce, on average, 19% of cellulite and improve the appearance of the skin by 65% on average. Invel® Actiive Tanktops are the ideal treatment for cellulite, as well as improving local blood circulation, and are made with double fabric near the waist to mold your body shape. With the Invel® Active Comb, you will notice an immediate effect of brighter and softer hair with just 10 combs.

For men, there is the Invel® Actiive Boxer that improves local blood circulation and is made to be comfortable with their soft fabric. Invel® Actiive Socks are effective in reducing pain and provide relief from muscle fatigue in the legs. There are even Actiive Insoles for your shoes, which offer a reduction of pain, fatigue and swelling. Invel® Actiive Gloves are used for treating pain in the hands, wrists and arms, and studies have shown that within 28 days of use, there is an average reduction of pain by 55%.


Invel® Actiive Shirts for men and women are effective in relieving pain in your spinal area, reducing 45% on average in 14 days of use. Pillow Top Invel® Recharge is made with their patented infrared Bioceramic® MIG3® technology that improves blood circulation, betters muscle relaxation, and decreases the time it takes to fall asleep by 52%.


“As an evolution of all we’ve done by now, mainly in Japan and Brazil, knowing the textile produces the NO that helps to balance the blood circulation, we brought the HQ to Orlando and have launched and Invel® lifestyle clothing under the Wellness Guidelines released by the FDA in July 2016. Therefore, we hope the Americans have the benefits from the MIG3 tech and get a better quality of life.” – Carla Taba, CEO of Invel®

All information has been provided by Invel® and results of treatments depend on the metabolism of each individual. Invel® is a global leader in long waved far-infrared technology and is always seeking to improve the quality of life with Invel® technology. To learn more about Invel®, visit,, or